Spring Chinook Salmon are known for being the best-tasting salmon the Pacific Northwest has to offer. They are one of the highly esteemed and most delicious fish we have the opportunity to fish for locally. These fish are packed with oil and omega 3’s making them the healthiest and best eating fish of the year. 

Spring Chinook is also widely known as one of the toughest fish to catch in the Pacific Northwest. The reward for a fresh caught Spring Salmon is worth the effort and dinner will be without a doubt excellent. Spring Chinook, commonly referred to as “Springers”, enter the mouth of the Columbia as early as late January and continue through July. There are three distinct species of Spring Chinook here in the Northwest. Willamette strain also known as “snow belly”, Upper Columbia strain also known as “black cheek” and Coastal Springers, each very unique to their watershed of origin.

The pure adrenaline rush that comes with catching the Spring Chinook is like none other. The Spring season is truly one I look forward to every year and the anticipation of getting the first Spring Chinook of the year to eat is mouth watering.

We will be targeting these fish out of the Columbia, Willamette River, Wind River and Drano Lake fisheries. With some tributary fishing as well.  The Spring Season is relatively short on the Columbia (late March-first week in April, but varies every year) and continues on the Willamette River after the Columbia closes.  We will move to the mid Columbia in the month of May for the Wind River and Drano Lake fisheries.  The season goes through late June and July on the Willamette and Oregon coastal rivers.


Late March through July


Columbia River, Willamette River, Wind River & Drano Lake, also some Tributary opportunities in Oregon


Trolling, Back Trolling, Anchor Fishing, Casting


25’ Sled – 6 Guests


$250 per guest


$55 per seat required to book

More Questions?

Be sure to check out the About page where I provide more information, answers to frequently asked questions, and additional details about booking trips. Or just give me a call at 503-704-3219.

Spring Chinook Salmon Guests

Let's Try To Put Dinner On Your Table!

Spring Chinook Season is ready for you and so am I!